梅嘉医师曾服务于程教授中医针灸诊所, 多年从事脑科问题及其他问题中医针灸治疗,范围请见上列, 治疗效果显著。 梅嘉针灸师早年毕业于广州中山医科大学。来到美国之前, 她担任广东省人民医院内科主治医师,早年在美国,她曾在芝加哥Loyola大学医学中心和Rush Presbyterian Saint Luke's医院,以及在休斯敦贝勒医学院等长期从事临床研究工作。
We specialize following:
Respiratory symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing, etc. -- 呼吸道症狀,如咳嗽,氣短,喘息等。Headache, dizziness, migraine,
Fatigue -- 頭痛,頭暈,偏頭痛, 疲勞
Insomnia and other sleeping disorder -- 失眠等睡眠障礙
Stress and stress related problem such as anxiety, pain, stomach ache, etc -- 精神上的压力相關的問題,如焦慮,痛症,胃痛等
Developmental disorder such as autism, PPD, cerebral palsy and their related issues. -- 發育障礙,如自閉症,PPD,腦癱及其相關問題。
Nervous system disorder such as trigeminal neuralgia, Bell’s palsy, etc.-- 神經系統疾病,如三叉神經痛,貝爾氏麻痺等。
Chronic and recurrent skin condition
Problem related to menstruation, including irregular cycle, heavy or low amount bleeding, clamps, PMS, etc. -- 慢性和復發性皮膚狀況
Cancer and tumors, in supporting chemo therapy, regulating immune system, promoting the well being of the patient. -- 癌症和腫瘤,在化療輔助治療,調節免疫系統,促進的病人康复
Digestive system symptoms such as abdominal pain, acid reflux, irritating bowel, etc. -- 消化系統症狀,如腹痛,反酸,腸道激惹症后群等
Gall bladder stone -- 膽囊結石
Other symptoms and signs that have unknown reason and / or have no known treatment. -- 一切其它疑难杂症。
Treatment Plan:
We can discuss over the phone, email and instant messages, and we can mail herb Chinese medicine to you based upon diagnosis. Chinese medicine are in the choices of herbs, concentrated herbal powder, or capsoles. Our herb medicines are of premium quality. 我们可通过电讯方式诊断和邮寄优质中草药,或科学中药粉,或胶囊到府上。
梅嘉, 中医针灸师,
原广东省人民医院主治医师, 国语,粤语,英语
地址: 37982 Fremont Blvd, Fremont, CA. 94536
电话: 510-713-8588, 408-460-9954
电子邮件: jia@medicinefact
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All Major Credit Cards Accepted as well as Paypal. 接受所有主要信用卡以及Paypal.